About Wildtype
Wildtype was established in 1996. For more than 28 years we have specialized in growing plants native to Michigan, from Michigan genotypes. We grow trees, shrubs, grasses, wildflowers, and emergent wetland species typical of Michigan woodlands, wetlands and prairies. It is our objective to propagate nursery stock with enough genetic diversity to create self-sustaining populations. Therefore the majority of our plants are grown from wild seed stock. This is what we mean when we say our plants are "borne to be wild". We keep track of when and where the seeds or cuttings were collected and where and how they were grown and handled. This information can be supplied upon request.
Wildtype also provides ecological services for public, commercial and residential projects focusing on restoration and preservation of native landscapes. Some of our services include invasive species management, native plant installation, site assessment, and botanical surveys.
The name of the nursery, WILDTYPE, is borrowed from the genetic term "wild type", which describes the typical genetic form that occurs in the natural environment. The name reflects the genetic status of the plants being propagated. Our plants are primarily grown from wild seed stock and therefore have not been bred or intentionally selected for uniformity. The seeds (and in some cases cuttings) of the species listed in our catalog were collected in Michigan unless noted otherwise.